No, I’m not dead… but yes I kind of suck

Between school and the craziness that my day job has become, I’ve been neglecting my blog.  I have a backlog of pictures and things I want to write, and, if I’m lucky, something will go up this weekend.

One of the things that I wanted to write about was my brand-new-to-me high speed blender.  One of the things that I plan to do with said blender is experiment with the recipes from BLEND.  What is BLEND?  It’s a series of e-books for smoothies by Simply Artisanal that I think sounds really promising.  I’ve purchased, from my own pocket, the Basics e-book and Summer, Volume 1.  They’ve started an affiliate program, and I thought that it couldn’t hurt to join.  Here’s my affiliate link:

Click here to visit Simply Artisanal.

What else?  Oh!  Graze box invite codes.  I don’t think there’s a limit anymore?  Anyway, if you would like an invite code, please comment with your email address.

I think that’s it for now.  I just wanted to let you know that I’m still around!  (^_^)

Finally, my graze box arrived!

Disclaimer:  I’m not getting anything for this post.  I bought this for myself.

First things first, I had never heard of Graze until a friend of mine sent me an invite code.  (Yes, an invite code is currently required.)  Originally from the UK, Graze is a healthy snacking company.  You get a small box filled with four different goodies.  It’s a subscription service in that way, like Blue Apron.  If you don’t want any boxes, then you have to cancel or hold your shipments.  A nice feature is that you can change the frequency of deliveries.  It’s $5 per box and that’s with USPS shipping included.

The one gripe I have?  USPS can be really slow.  The company FAQs state that it can take up to 10 business days to receive a box, and they weren’t kidding.  I got my first box in exactly ten business days… which felt even longer than normal because February 18th was a national holiday.  So it was shipped on February 15th but I didn’t receive it until the 28th.

This box is the size a thick graphic novel.  Or, you can say that it’s pretty small since it’s designed to fit in your mailbox with your normal mail.  It’s 9 1/2 inches by 6 1/2 inches by 1 inch.  I took a picture of my box opened with a fork inside it just so that it gives a better visual impression of size.


Short reaction?  I kind of love it.  The snacks are small portions, but they are pretty tasty.   I’ve eaten the el picante, the summer berry compote with shortbread, and the hot cross yum.  The summer berry compote with shortbread felt like it was too small of a portion, but those were some buttery shortbreads!  So, I’m not surprised it’s on the smaller side of things to save calories.  (Note to self – must try all the flavors!)

My box also came with a little card of nutrition facts, which also contains allergy warnings, and “best by” dates.

I’m going to continue with my nibble box for a little bit.  It’s not the cheaper option (you’re better off price-wise buying trail mix from Trader Joe’s, yadda yadda yadda, or making your own), but I’m kind of tired of the snacks that I tend to have on hand.  I’m looking forward to the change of pace.

Here’s a link to the site, and if you want an invite code, drop me a comment.  I only get four invite codes at a time, just to forewarn you.   (Invite codes are also packaged into the box.)  (All gone.  I hope that everyone who got my email gets to enroll.  Graze was giving me conflicting information about the number of invites I had.)